Honesty, Integrity and Fairness – The Foundations for being my own boss.

The DogWell, I’ve finally done it; I’ve taken the leap of faith and I’m now my own boss, Director of my own company. Making this decision was filled with uncertainties. Am I doing the right thing? Will I succeed? Who will I share my office with other than my dog? But looking back , some things were clear from an early age, things which would shape my career and bring me to this point.

Firstly, I had a natural drive and work ethic. I just knew you have to work hard and earn your success whatever they may be. Working from as young as 11 in the local seaside cafe during the summer holidays selling ice cream and candyfloss, something I wouldn’t dream my 2 kids should consider.

Second, my moral compass has always pointed very firmly to honesty, integrity and fairness, principles I refuse to stray from.

Third, I have always had a willingness, almost a compulsion, to help people. One of my earlier roles was a recruitment consultant; I remember working tirelessly to help people find employment or got a tremendous sense of pride and satisfaction every time I help someone in to work.

Sincero start up story

So the foundations had been laid; work hard with honesty, integrity and fairness, driven by helping others to succeed. And for over 20 years I built a successful career doing exactly that. I worked for HSBC in various Commercial Management roles, winning many awards along the way, but sometimes felt stifled by their need for absolute compliance, endless admin and meetings for the sake of meetings. I would find solutions to help customers, only to be told they could not be approved. As a naturally tenacious person it was so frustrating; I was so close to solving a problem for a customer and really making a difference to their business, but the banks credit appetite meant I could take it no further.

However, after working in Commercial Finance for so long I had become passionate about business, and after being made redundant as part of HSBC restructuring, I was luck enough to be offered a role as a Growth Manager at GrowthAccelerator. I instantly felt liberated, able to help businesses who want to grow without the invisible ties I had been bound by before. My eyes had been opened to a whole new world of business support and grant funding, and I was introduced to some amazing Business Coaches, the calibre of experts who can truly transform a business.

I was happier in my work than I had been for a long time, but the Government then withdrew the funding for GrowthAccelerator and I was made redundant again just two years after the first time! But I was determined not to let this beat me, and I knew it was time to go it alone. After working with so many high growth business owners, I recognised that many of them simply didn’t know the most cost effective way to finance their business growth or where to turn when a bank say’s ‘No’.

Sincero logo

And so ‘Sincero’ was born, offering Business Growth and Funding Solutions for high growth businesses who need a little help, but crucially doing it with integrity and sincerity. I will always promote the option which is best for the customer, not me personally, which I know in time will pay dividends. Driven by a desire to help businesses grow I love finding out what makes a business tick and really understand what a business actually needs, which is often completely different to what they thought they needed in the first place! And being truly independent means I can offer products from the entire market.

Being made redundant twice in two years has, without doubt, been a positive thing. It’s made me realise that bigger and better opportunities are out there and how transferable my skills, knowledge and experience are. Not having the security of a guaranteed income at the end of the month is a little scary, but I know the principles I’ve worked for so many years will stand me in good stead and I will make this business succeed.